Road Safety Videos
Road Safety Videos
A short documentary on Warwickshire County Council's 'Live & Dangerous' event, made by Roger Harding, was purchased by the county council and distributed to 500 schools within the county. This led to a string of productions with a road safety theme:
Live & Dangerous - promotional video for the road safety event at Gaydon (for Warwickshire County Council)
Just a Number - two fathers talk about their sons who were involved in fatal road crashes (WCC)
The Lollipop - teaching very young children how to use a school crossing patrol with a song and dance routine (WCC)
Junior Road Safety Officer - a James Bond style junior road safety officer recruitment film (WCC)
What Might Happen ? - Bridget Dangerfield talks about risk perception (WCC)
Emergency Coach Evacuation - how to evacuate a coach in the quickest and safest way (WCC)
The Road Safety Quiz - three sets of quiz DVDs (WCC)
Eye of the Driver - using peer group pressure to prevent teenager pranks on the road (Solihull MBC)
New Direction
The production of short films began to take up more and more time and knitted together with Harding's writing, which was also being performed at local theatres and corporate events in the region. An experience with one screenplay he wrote left the germ of an idea for a comedy. See the Genesis of the The Wrong Funeral.